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[Sarkari-Naukri] Harish Sati, General English Sentences GK

(GK) General English "Sentences" 


Errors in Sentences

1. a) I won't go into all the depressing details 
    b) let it is suffice it to say that the  
    c) whole affair was an utter disaster. 
    d) No error.

B (remove 'it to say')

2. a) I advised him 
    b) against taking a decision 
    c) until he had not given the matter a serious thought. 
    d) No error.


3. a) We have benefited from 
    b) the discoveries bequeathed at us 
    c) by scientists of the last century. 
    d) No error.

B (remove 'at' with 'to')

4. a) She asked her son 
    b) if he was 
    c) going to  
    d) college today 
    e) No error

D (college that day)

5. a) She has got 
    b) a down at me, 
    c) I did not know why. 
    d) No error.

B (a down against me)

6. a) I have 
    b) seen her only once 
    c) but I'm liking her a lot. 
    d) No error.


7. a) He was beside 
    b) himself with rage 
    c) when he saw the mess. 
    d) No error.


8. a) I would not sullen  
    b) my hands 
    c) by accepting a bribe. 
    d) No error.

A (I would not sully)

9. a) I fail to understand 
    b) how can you leave 
    c) your boy friend in the lurch. 
    d) No error.


10. a) He looked 
      b) as though 
      c) she 
      d) was fainting. 
      e) No error.

D (were fainting)

11. a) Different words with the 
      b) same spelling are distinguished 
      c) in this dictionary by a superscript number. 
      d) No error.


12. a) The International Commodity Fair was organized 
      b) to provide an international platform 
      c) to discussing the status and prospects of the 
      d) commodities that are of great relevance to India.

C (to discuss)

13. a) If it possible to get near 
      b) where one of the volcanic eruptions take place, 
      c) we should see a grand sight. 
      d) No error.


14. a) They refused 
      b) staying in that hotel 
      c) as it was too crowded. 
      d) No error.

B (to stay in that hotel)

15. a) He was not 
      b) just unconsiderate, he was downright rude 
      c) No error.

B (inconsiderate)

16. a) Why does he 
      b) not attend 
      c) with what 
      d) I am saying? 
      e) No error

C (to what)

17. a) There were gasps of horror from 
      b) the spectators as he 
      c) fell from the tight rope. 
      d) No error.

C (fell down from the tight rope)

18. a) He unleashed, 
      b) a torrential of abuse 
      c) against the unfortunate shop assistant. 
      d) No error.

B (a torrent of abuse)

19. a) There is Mr. Hussain 
      b) whom they say 
      c) is the best painter in the town. 
      d) No error.


20. a) Finally he even received 
      b) a offer from the Institute of Advanced study at Princeton, 
      c) one of the most prestigious 
      d) institutions in the world.

B (an offer)

21. a) The train entered 
      b) in the station 
      c) and stopped slowly 
      d) No error.

B (remove 'in')

22. a) They have been 
      b) saved of a 
      c) great deal 
      d) of trouble. 
      e) No error.

B (saved a)

23. a) Many people are of the opinion 
      b) that the sudden outburst of the speaker 
      c) was surprising and unseemly,
      d) to say the least. 
      e) No error.


24. a) No sooner teacher entered the room 
      b) he suspected that some of the students 
      c) were using unfair means in answering the questions 
      d) No error.


25. a) The soldier jumped to attention 
      b) when the colonel 
      c) passed him. 
      d) No error.

C (passed by him)

26. a) The mark list of those candidates 
      b) whose results are withheld 
      c) for certain defect 
      d) will issue only after rectification of the defects.

D (will be issued)

27. a) The hotel room 
      b) was bare 
      c) and uninviting. 
      d) No error.


28. a) Each person 
      b) should look after 
      c) their own belongings. 
      d) No error.

C (his/her own belongings)

29. a) Her clothes 
      b) were bespattered 
      c) by mud. 
      d) No error.

C (with mud)

30. a) There is 
      b) unlikely 
      c) to be rain 
      d) No error.

C (to be any rain)

31. a) Our mission are 
      b) to provide value based technical education 
      c) and mould the character of the younger generation 
      d) through a synthesis of science and spirituality.

A (mission is)

32. a) She is a bit 
      b) of a doubting Thomas, 
      c) She won't believe you are back till she sees you. 
      d) No error.


33. a) I have been 
      b) working on my 
      c) autobiography for the 
      d) last seven years. 
      e) No error.


34. a) Two hours have passed 
      b) since 
      c) he had fallen asleep 
      d) No error.


35. a) Some people 
      b) feel that 
      c) without 
      d) discipline no progress is possible. 
      e) No error.

A (remove 'some')

36. a) Passengers may contact 
      b) Indian Airlines offices or 
      c) any of its approved travel agents 
      d) to reservations and ticketing.

D (for reservations)

37. a) The dog let out 
      b) a blood chilling 
      c) howling when it was 
      d) given the injection 
      e) No error

C (howl when it was)

38. a) Many were 
      b) sent to the 
      c) gallow and many 
      d) executed in public. 
      e) No error.

C (gallows and many)

39. a) It is a strange thing 
      b) know little people in general 
      c) know about sky. 
      d) No error.


40. a) He gave her 
      b) a suggestible glance 
      c) and she blushed 
      d) No error.

B (a surreptitious glance)

41. a) 'Meatless Days' 
      b) have been made 
      c) into a film 
      d) No error.

B (has been made)

42. a) Their college football eleven were 
      b) the runner-up in the tournament 
      c) the championship being lifted 
      d) by the Gandhi Memorial College eleven. 
      e) No error.

B (runners up)

43. a) I shall go to Australia 
      b) for higher studies 
      c) if you like it or not. 
      d) No error.

C (whether you like it or not)

44. a) This bottle must 
      b) not be made 
      c) to stand 
      d) close to the fire 
      e) No error.

C (remove 'to stand' to 'stood')

45. a) Although she did not mention me by name,
      b) I know her remarks 
      c) were intended for my benefit. 
      d) No error.


46. a) The mason will no 
      b) do the work 
      c) except give the order. 
      d) No error.


47. a) Why did 
      b) you not told me 
      c) that the meeting 
      d) was postponed? 
      e) No error

B (tell)

48. a) Some diary farmers use milking machines 
      b) to milk their cows 
      c) but milking by hand is still widespread in Kerala 
      d) No error


49. a) The magazine I subscribe to, 
      b) has a much large circulation 
      c) than that of the other magazine 
      d) No error.


50. a) This drug should 
      b) only be taken 
      c) with the supervision of a doctor. 
      d) No error.

C (under the supervision of a doctor)

with warm regards

Harish Sati
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068

(M) + 91 - 9990646343 | (E-mail)

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Sonia Choudhary

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Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.



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